mercredi 9 mars 2016

is it realy love ?

If your loved one has had a very bad day but lights up when he sees you, then that's a sign of love. If he is in love with you, then the sight of you or the sound of your voice is guaranteed to make him feel better

Love makes people feel giddy, weightless, and like laughing for no reason at all. If you see the person acting this way in your presence, then this may be love. Does your loved one seem hyper, excited, and on the verge of laughing for almost no reason at all whenever he is around you? If so, then this may be love.

Remember that there is a big difference between "Love ya!" and "I love you." If your special someone really loves you and tells you this much while looking into your eyes, sounding earnest, and not wanting anything from you, then it's likely that he really means it.

Part of being in love is always wanting to be around the person you love, even if it's impractical. If the person truly loves you, then he or she will want to be around you -- a lot. This doesn't mean the person will want to be attached at the hip, but it does mean that the person will try to take as many opportunities as possible to see you.

If he really loves you, then he will not only be there for the fun times, but he'll be there to help you achieve your goals and move forward in your life. If he truly loves you, then he'll be there in the bleachers during your soccer game, he'll be there to see you defend your thesis, and he'll be there to give you a ride to your job interview. And he'll be there whenever you want to talk about something that means a lot to you.

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